BHEC understands and recognizes that Black health and Black life are intricately connected. Black communities continue to face multiple barriers to good health. Where Black communities live, work and play affects how health is experienced. When accessing health care Black health is impacted by the persistence of anti-Black racism in the forms of social marginalization, health inequities, prejudice in health care rooted in the unique legacy of enslavement and colonization. In our research, BHEC draws on the long histories of community and academic scholarship and resistance to explore and expand scholarship on Black health and the anti-Black racism experienced by Black people and communities in health.
Defining and Developing Black Health National Learning Competencies in Medical and Public Health Education: A Mixed Methods Study Research Project

Community Stories: Black People’s Experiences with Anti- Black Racism in the Canadian Health Care System

Anti-Black Racism in Undergraduate Medical and Public Health Education in Canada: Situational Assessments